Collection: handles bat break in service
Consider our Advanced Bat Break in on your Bat for All World Results.To order, click "Yes, make it hotter!" when purchasing any bat on the web site. We perform this service same-day as your order and it should not delay shipment.
Ā $29.99
To order, click "Yes, make it hotter!" when purchasing any bat on the web site. We perform this service same-day as your order and it should not delay shipment.
Increased Consistency
Composite Softball Bats are Stiff when brand new and have some stinging, small sweet spot and lack of performance until they get broken in.
Composite Softball Bats get hot the more they are hit, as the glues and resins soften up some, but it varies from bat to bat on how long it will take to really get broken in.
The major problem with breaking it in by hitting it is these 2 issues.
1. You are taking away from the life of the bat and setting it up to crack sooner than it should and the longer it last the HOTTER it will get.
2. A Softball only impacts 1/8 inch which is a dimple size of the barrel with every hit. Don't care if you rotate it or not, you are always going to have hard spots on the barrel.
You actually know this all ready, here is what happens. You hit and crush the ball on one swing, the ball carries a lot of distance, then on another swing you thought you crushed it just like the one that did carry, but this time the ball does not carry as well. That is because that part of the sweet spot is still hard compared to the part of the sweet spot where the ball carried the distance.
Leaves you scratching your head and wondering, was it me or the bat. That is also what the Advanced Break in Service will take care of = Consistency. When hit right, they will all carry long distance no matter where you hit it on the sweet spot.
Increased Confidence
The Advanced Break in does not take away from the life of the barrel and cuts right to the chase of going right out to your games with confidence that your good to go.
Upper level type hitter's reek of Confidence because their Bats are always the best that they can be, No doubt about that.
Time for you to enjoy that advantage too. For $29.99Ā you can transform you hitting to the next level.
Don't cheat yourself out of getting much better results for all the time and effort and money you're already investing.
Increased Performance
We have a new space age technology way of breaking in your Composite Softball Bat unlike anyone else.
Due to Proprietary information concerns, we are only going to say that we Concentrate on the Barrel all the way up and down and around the barrel in this treatment.
We see an improvement in distance from 20 Feet to 30 Feet.
We will repeat the process a 2nd time to insure the best results.
We check each bat with a verified Compression Machine to make sure it stays above the legal limit Pounds PSI that all the softball associations use has a parameter in there field test.
The Bat will be totally broken in, Sting Free and with a huge Sweet spot and will be Game Ready with Super High Performance for you to drop some Big Bombs.